A Fundamental Lesson in Strategy and Storytelling

It brought me back to a fundamental lesson I learned early in my career when I was still just a baby strategist. It’s a simple one and one I wanted to share with you immediately (I had the fortitude to wait a day and send it in this post). That lesson? Simple: all strategy, whether it’s brand, business, communication, or any other type is just about choosing.

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On Hard Work and Rest

The stories we (meaning working class folks) grow up with in North America are about pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps, working hard, being productivity, and achieving success. Our value and worth as humans is inherently tied to our ability and capacity to produce. It is a pervasive cultural belief that you have to work hard if you want to be anything or worth anything. It’s also not true.

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Chantaie Allick Comments
#112 – Do This Before You Start ANY Story

Have you ever gone back to a piece of writing, or work, or art you created years ago and wondered at it? Knowing that it’s not something you’d make today. Excellent or mediocre, you know it’s just not where you are as a creator anymore? I look back on old projects and think, “wow, I’ve come so far, I’d do this so differently today.” There's a reason for this.

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