#51 Other Newsletters You Might Love
A bit of additional wisdom and joy for your inbox
I get a lot a of notes from you all saying you love the newsletter and look forward to it in your inbox each week. First of all, thank you. I love writing it and am glad you’re enjoying and getting value (maybe joie?) out of it.
You also often mention that it makes you open to inviting more newsletters into the sovereign state that is your email inbox. I thought I’d share a few of my favourites with you to give you somewhere to start. I am picky, but eclectic in my taste so you may find something new to add to your roster in the mix. If you try any out, let me know what you think.
This is my day one. A friend recommended it to me years and it has been part of my morning routine since then. I sip my coffee (usually a cappuccino) and scroll through their daily recommendations of music, shopping, good reads, etc. They’re also eco conscious, which means I often go to their site when I’m on the hunt for a new thing (usually for my home)—they make it easier to default to sustainable. It’s also a 30 second read so… efficient.
This is a newsletter by one of my favourite writers and twitter presences, Roxane Gay (she is not to be fucked with on the internets). You get chats on the site, essays and short stories from emerging writers, and a weekly roundup of interesting writing in the world and on the internet. If you sign up for the paid option you also get access to a book club which includes monthly chats with the author and Gay.
This is a humour letter from R. Eric Thomas. I recommended his book with the same title a few months ago. It’s a continuation of the same kind of hilarious, sweet, awkward storytelling in a weekly newsletter. Just updates from Eric. He used to write a political satire column for Elle.com, which was also quite funny. You may have had to have read the book to understand the voice, but I laugh out loud regularly reading this. It just tickles me.
This weekly pop culture email by Hunter Harris is everything to me right now. It comes out on Fridays usually (she’s late sometimes, but it’s always worth the wait) and is an hilarious recap of what’s happened in the world of celebrities and twitter over the past week. I know about the re-emergence of Bennifer and other nonsense celebrity happenings because of her. She makes what is frivolous also hilarious and it’s a nice way for me to cap my weekend and stay up to speed on what the kids are up to. It’s also a peek into the mind and humour of GenZ—I always feel like I’m getting only half the joke and really like the discomfort of that.
Marie Forleo’s weekly email is also a forever kind of thing for me. She’s a business and career coach who has been making weekly videos about all things business for over a decade—I’ve been getting her emails for almost that entire time. It keeps me connected to new ways of thinking about marketing and business strategy and connected to what other business owners are thinking about. I’m lucky enough to be a brand and marketing mentor in her yearly (now bi-annual) online business training program b-school—it’s actually coming up again in August for anyone looking to dive into launching a business or growing a current one. Yes, her enthusiasm and passion for business is real and contagious.
I also get daily news newsletters from the NYT, CBC, and The Skimm, but the ones above are the ones that bring me not just information, but joy and insight about worlds I wouldn’t necessarily be exposed to otherwise. If you have any you love please, please, please, please share in the comments below. I’m picky, but love adding new dashes of fun to my inbox each week.
A Story Well Told
Lil Nas X is a joy to me. He is someone so young yet so completely IN who he is and willing to share the journey of getting there with others. You may know him from his hit song “Old Town Road,” he’s also famous for being a Nicki Minaj super fan, twitter maestro slash troll of the best kind, and for the dust up over his latest hit “Montero.” I think he’s an inspiration and an exemplar of his generation (if you haven’t yet guessed, I am OBSESSED with Genz—I think they’re a gift the world doesn’t deserve and will do everything in my small power to support and lift them up). The title of this profile of him in the New York Times Magazine says it all.
Subscribing and sharing are the two best ways to help me continue to share my own adventure in storytelling. If you know someone who has a story to tell and may need some help crafting it, please share this newsletter with them and encourage them to subscribe.
Have a question? Something you’d like me to cover in a future letter—an element of your storytelling you may be struggling with? Just ask. Leave a comment below. I’m here to help.
You can follow me on Twitter here, and Instagram here. And you can always reach me through my website.
Thanks for reading and I’ll “see” you next week. Whatever the world may bring, there will always be important stories that need you to tell them. I’ll be here to help.
Chantaie Allick
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